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You think your weekend sucked.


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I imagine today is just arriagnment and he will enter a non-guilty plea. Prolly wont go back for 6 months.


yup. First is your arraignment then it usually takes forever to get a court date. Mine was almost a year after my arraignment.


Good Luck bro.

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I dont know the laws well enough but doesnt B+E consist of breaking something to get into a place im just little confused on the breaking part if gate was wide open and car was sitting there.


As I recall:

Trespass - Entering someones property without permision

B&E - to forcibly gain entry to someones property (without permision...)

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Well I went to court today with my attorney. I didnt even go before a judge, didnt even walk into a court room. I was on the 4th floor for about 10 mins. My attorney got everything taken care of. He talked to the people inside and is goin to get it knocked down to a 4th degree misdemeanor. That means I will have a 250$ fine and no jail time no probation. But he also said if everything checks out with the officer who arrested me then he might be able to get it all tossed out and there wont be any fines or nothing. I hoping for that one but right now I will settle for the fine. So we are waiting for the officer to call back and see what he says then I should know my final situation.
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Well I went to court today with my attorney. I didnt even go before a judge, didnt even walk into a court room. I was on the 4th floor for about 10 mins. My attorney got everything taken care of. He talked to the people inside and is goin to get it knocked down to a 4th degree misdemeanor. That means I will have a 250$ fine and no jail time no probation. But he also said if everything checks out with the officer who arrested me then he might be able to get it all tossed out and there wont be any fines or nothing. I hoping for that one but right now I will settle for the fine. So we are waiting for the officer to call back and see what he says then I should know my final situation.


Go to get it all thrown out.. My big mistake was not getting it all tossed and took a 100$ fine, but now when they run my info, the orignal chrage shws up and in little print it says it was dropped down. but m,ost dont read that, so everytime i get pulled over guns are drawn. Most employers dont read it either, so i usually get nixxed for no reason.

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Go to get it all thrown out.. My big mistake was not getting it all tossed and took a 100$ fine, but now when they run my info, the orignal chrage shws up and in little print it says it was dropped down. but m,ost dont read that, so everytime i get pulled over guns are drawn. Most employers dont read it either, so i usually get nixxed for no reason.


Damn what was the original charge?

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Well I just found out that the bail bonds man keeps 10% of the total bond. So out of the 15K the bonds man keeps 1500$ of it. So after I pay my dad back for that and then the 2500$ attorney fees and then the fine, I will have had myself a 4k$+ night out at the club in which I didnt get any poon.
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Well I just found out that the bail bonds man keeps 10% of the total bond. So out of the 15K the bonds man keeps 1500$ of it. So after I pay my dad back for that and then the 2500$ attorney fees and then the fine, I will have had myself a 4k$+ night out at the club in which I didnt get any poon.

Which means you better get to calling poeple out for 1k 40 rolls.

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good to hear its all working out for you, remember what I said if you need something more. 4k night out with no poon, a concrete floor and some horny felons in the jail cell = bad night out lolz.


either way if you can't get it dismissed I would still lok to have it expunged, for 2500 that's the easiest thing that guy can do for you. As for the b&e itself, pretty strange charge for what it was, but I'm sure there was a Sgt. there on scene that made that call for sure.


Did the 60million candle power spotlight warm you up hah

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