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Kenny, RIP, you will be remembered.


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I like this on the bands, and a reminder "RIP Kenny" on the band too... I would say at least $20/band and the money goes to his family... (I dont know, just throwing it out there).


Yeah I was going to say something along these lines. Maybe not a required amount, that way if people wanted to give more they could. But I'm sure there's some kind of way you could set up the proceeds from the braceletes to go into an account for the family. I like the "Ride like you're invisible" line too, with RIP Kenny on the other side. Maybe not in his "you guys are fags" nature, but definitely classy.

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I have seen many of his posts but I have no idea who this guy is, but its still sad to me, because he obviously was a great friend to many of you, and impacted many people on and off here is sounds like. I hate to hear of anyone losing they're life. I agree though, as previously stated, i would feel cheated if i didn't go doing what i love. It is a loss, a very sad one. prayers to everyone on here and his family. I cant imagine how i would do if i lost one of my close friends, also as previously stated, the racing community is often a close group of people who often become like family, and i hate to see any of you guys loose someone who is like that. Its good to see what you guys are doing for his family and in rememberance of him.
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I've been riding the rollercoaster of emotion all day long.


I met Kenny back in 02 when Skold, Kenny, and I would meet up with others at the Davidson lot. We lost touch for a few years and then just before he moved in with Howard, I started seeing or talking with him every day. We tossed back quite a few bevs together, shared some war stories, and made fun of a hell of a lot of people.


I'm really gonna miss him.

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Man this is just all too crazy. I am still in complete and utter shock and have been in a fog since Rick told me this morning about it. Kenny was a great guy and a wealth of knowledge, if I ever had a problem with my car Kenny was the first guy I would go to for advice and he always had an answer. I had not talked to him in person or on the phone in years and was planning on calling him later this week since it had been so long, and now I feel terrible for not doing it earlier.


Kenny was who got me into Buicks and without his advice I don't know if I ever would have gotten it to where it is now. We would spend hours chatting online after I first got it just talking cars and trading advice when he owned his Talon. In recent years though we talked less and less and now I can't help but regret that. Kenny is and will always be a CR OG and Icon a reminder of how great this place used to be. He will be missed by anyone who read even just a single unique post of his. Rest in Peace Kenny, and sorry for calling you Bobby Hill all those years.


Anything I can to from this great distance to help with the LC2 Cark in anyway please let me know, I have spare parts laying around that I would be more than happy to donate.

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I just got home from work, and I thought this is all a joke (c'mon...it's Kenny, right?)


...then I read the Dispatch article...


...I don't have the words. My heart goes out to Kenny's family, and those on here that knew him longer than I did.

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It's funny how the passing of someone you've never met can make your body ache with emotion. I got home from school today, ran the cars, was just about to message him and then saw this. I feel sick and can't stop shaking. My eyes won't stop leaking either.


I never met Kenny, but I was looking forward to BSing with him and learning some drag racing tips & tricks at the track rentals this year. I remember in December when I was working an all-nighter and he BSed with me and helped me get through it. I wish that this was just a terrible dream or a tasteless joke, but I know that is not the case.


His wit and humor was unrivaled. I think that he was the only member here that made posts that actually made me laugh so hard that my parents would come into the room to see what the fuss was about. As it was said on here, it doesn't take meeting someone in person to consider them a friend. Kenny will never be replaced.


I looked up to Kenny for humor, for his vast knowledge on cars and bikes, and as a person in general


Could we get a thread where people contribute their favorite Kenny quotes and stories so we can all still laugh and reminisce about the good times and funny moments that he brought us on here and in person?


If there is something, ANYTHING that I can do for this situation, please, someone let me know. I know that it does not help very much at all, but I would be honored to make a memorial video if I could get people to submit images to me.


R.I.P. brother, you will be greatly missed.

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Could we get a thread where people contribute their favorite Kenny quotes and stories so we can all still laugh and reminisce about the good times and funny moments that he brought us on here and in person?


I was JUST thinking this, as I sift through his insults and jokes that were directed at me.

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it hasnt hit me yet...it really hasnt.

ill be at chipotle tomorrow for lunch... we met up there a few times :(


kenny still owes me a burrito that he swears i didnt buy for him....

my eyes are broken im gonna miss him....

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This is just shocking it really is. Like most have stated ive never met him but being a CR addict it feels like iv known him for awhile wish i had the pleasure of meeting him R.I.P Kenny you will be missed!!


As for the El camino


No to far of a stretch is it??

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This is just shocking it really is. Like most have stated ive never met him but being a CR addict it feels like iv known him for awhile wish i had the pleasure of meeting him R.I.P Kenny you will be missed!!


As for the El camino


No to far of a stretch is it??


Kenny would probably hate everything Chip Foose did to it. :D j/k

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