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Fuck you AEP


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What gets me is what we are paying for. Does anyone know how much those guys make? I know its a dangerous job but I heard that they are getting paid retarded amounts for OT. I heard that if they work over 16 hours that they get paid quadruple time. Those guys are cleaning up on OT and extra pay. Is that really our responsibility to pay for that? I am all about incentives to work extra but 4x your pay really??? I think the only reason they do that is because they plan on passing it off on us the entire time.


I know for a fact that they are paid crazy money in OT. I worked for a 25 year old making solid 6 figures as a utility worker for AEP.


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but when you bounce all that against an extra ten or twenty bucks a month it's hard to complain. It sucks and maybe it's wrong of them but I can only accept it.


But the point is at what point do you put a stop to it? AEP's sells a product that product is Electric. I pay for that electric that I use. The polls and lines are physical assets that they own and use to deliver the product. We as customers are not responsible for the maintenance or upkeep repair of their physical assets and them passing on the cost because they have a captive audience is public theft. Just because they can doesn't mean they should. If a power line fell on my home and burnt down my house can I "pass on" the cost of rebuilding my house?

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So many different arguements revolving around this.


Bottom line, I lost power for 4-5 days, lost quite abit in food (time, stress, vacation, etc). Yet no fuck is given since I work for a living. Now if I lost power and was on welfare I would receive additional foodstamps.


Now AEP wants to charge us for what we already pay for!! And nearly 2B$ in profits



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That's the cost of doing business.


Could you imagine, if say the cable company, came over to your house and on the way there they get a flat tire, so they put the cost of the new tire and labor on your cable bill.



Edited by BDHG940
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Here's there real break down on all the offers right now. It's on the puco site just dont read into the hype. Keep in mind as well if you switch to FES and are on AEP's lines there will be a upcharge for using FES generation per the recent rate case.

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Here's there real break down on all the offers right now. It's on the puco site just dont read into the hype. Keep in mind as well if you switch to FES and are on AEP's lines there will be a upcharge for using FES generation per the recent rate case.


Does that $0.06 that FES charges includes AEP's fee? Does AEP'S Retail pay that fee at all?

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Does that $0.06 that FES charges includes AEP's fee? Does AEP'S Retail pay that fee at all?



That $0.06 is just your generation charge, check out your electric bll there is a transmission charge and some other crap on there. AEP Retail wouldnt pay the "fee" since your still on AEP generation.

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I looked at alternatives to AEP for supplying electricity (short of clicking on the ad links saying "THIS MAN GENERATES HIS OWN POWER! ELECTRIC COMPANIES HATE HIM!") and I am voluntarily choosing to keep with AEP.


I'm not happy about the rates, but unless I change my personal habits I cannot blame AEP for charging more for a valuable and necessary service in my life.



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I would only be ok with them passing the cost of the clean up onto us if they prove every single dollar goes onto improving their infostructure (lines unground, etc...) Once they have billed that total cost of clean up, increased fee drops off and AEP has to foot the bill to continue to improve.


You know this wasn't as bad as a problem with AEP was trimming the trees around power lines. Since they stopped that, this has become more of a problem each time a big storm blows through.

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OK, this is how retail electricity works, peeps.


There are three parts to your service; Generation, Transimssion, and Distribution. A retail supplier is bidding on the Generation and Transmission component of your bill (Here in AEP territory, at least). The Distribution will ALWAYS be charged by AEP, as they own the lines to your home.


On your AEP bill, there will be a little note that says something like "An alternative supplier would have to offer you a rate better than 8.7 cents per kWh to make it worth your while to switch". If anyone is offering a better rate, I would take it. In fact, I did. I am personally with FES, and to my knowledge (which is extensive in this area) that is the best offer for us folks in central Ohio. (Other offers include Border Energy and AEP Retail)


If you bill does not have the little blurb telling you what you are paying, here is how to figure it out. Pull out your bill and a calculator. Add the amount charged for your Generation service to the amount paid for your transmission service. Now find the usage for the past month. It will be in that little grid they show you right below the cost breakdown. It will say something like "Metered usage 1,200 KWH". Divide the previous number by that number. You will get a number that reads like this; "0.08965..." Read that as "Eight point nine cents per kWh".


In the end, there isn't any reason to stay with you utility. They are guaranteed a certain rate of return by the government. Unless you want YOUR rates to help fund that, you should be looking to switch. If you are sick of AEP, stop giving them your money.

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If the power went out once due to a once in a lifetime problem, I can agree with PUCO agreeing to fix it up with the AEP monopoly. This has happened before and AEP has done nothing to prevent it or mitigate the situation in any way. Put the lines underground you idiots.


The unions like the non-mitigation strategy because when they have to pull an all-nighter they get PAID. So, they fight the burying the lines idea. Or what about some other strategy? clear cut around the lines so no trees can hurt them? How about a different way to string the cable so it can more easily take wind or shock loads?


AEP is doing nothing but keeping their $1.9B monopoly rolling along. The next time we lose power we need to pull our meters for an extra day. Can you imagine a million subscribers not paying for a day? They'd feel it.

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I was out of power for about 48 hours. Half of Newark was over7 days. And there are still some out of power.


If its gonna cost me 10 bucks no fucks will be given.


OK then how about you look at it this way, Would you be happy if you had no choice in paying say $500 for me to have my power returned when you had not lost yours? I understand that they're running a business and that business needs to earn a profit. If I go into the Texas Roadhouse on Church St am I going to see a sign that reads "We lost thousands of dollars in food product during the outage, so were going to add $20 to your bill to recover the cost. Enjoy your meal." NO! As a company they should already have a given amount of loss figured in to thier bottom line. AEP, Texas Roadhouse, even the little mom and pop stand on the corner. I do not feel I or any of my neighbors should have to pay any extra for the cost of this clean up, expecially since thier bottom line is so fat. $25 million is a small drop in a very large bucket for a company like AEP. Companies like them and at&t waste so much money all year in every department of thier company. My brother works for for AEP and I do work for at&t and we see it all the time.

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What gets me is what we are paying for. Does anyone know how much those guys make? I know its a dangerous job but I heard that they are getting paid retarded amounts for OT. I heard that if they work over 16 hours that they get paid quadruple time. Those guys are cleaning up on OT and extra pay. Is that really our responsibility to pay for that? I am all about incentives to work extra but 4x your pay really??? I think the only reason they do that is because they plan on passing it off on us the entire time.


My brother works for AEP as an engineer. He sits by a computer as his regular job. When stuff like this hits he gets called out for "storm duty" I talked to him yesterday and his pay check for 1 week is over $3000 after taxes. All he did was walk/drive the lines and call in to let someone know where lines/transformers are down.

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I spent 40 bucks for supplies for power outage. I would have gladly paid 40 dollars to get my power turned back on quicker.


If you dont like it. Have them disconnect your power. Buy solar panels get some batteries for storage or run a natural gas or diesel generator if you think you can do it. Geo thermal heating.

Hell get all of them. FUCK THE MAN.

I dont like it either but my point is until WE do something about it we are just a bunch of whiners complaining about a power outage and expecting a handout from someone else who is making money off of us. Simple solution dont let them make money off you.


Well then the next time my sister looses power in Newark you should buy all her supplies since it's clearly now problem for you.

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Some mangy looking dude came knocking on my door about a month ago offering something similar to this. He said all he needed was a look at my bill but there was no way in fuck i was going to show personal information to someone of his nature. If he was with the same company, they need to hire new reps.

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Well then the next time my sister looses power in Newark you should buy all her supplies since it's clearly now problem for you.


I am prepared for not having power for several weeks at a time. My only concern was ice.

I had a power invertor I was going to run my fridge off of. Luckily a member here loaned me a generator which made it even easier.


Her not being prepared has absolutely nothing to do with me or the power company or even this topic.

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I am prepared for not having power for several weeks at a time. My only concern was ice.

I had a power invertor I was going to run my fridge off of. Luckily a member here loaned me a generator which made it even easier.


Her not being prepared has absolutely nothing to do with me or the power company or even this topic.


I never said she wasn't prepared. She didn't even have to leave her house for anything. She has a generator that ran her fridge, her deep freezer, some fans and most of her lights. I was quoting your comment.


I spent 40 bucks for supplies for power outage. I would have gladly paid 40 dollars to get my power turned back on quicker.


If you dont like it. Have them disconnect your power. Buy solar panels get some batteries for storage or run a natural gas or diesel generator if you think you can do it. Geo thermal heating.

Hell get all of them. FUCK THE MAN.

I dont like it either but my point is until WE do something about it we are just a bunch of whiners complaining about a power outage and expecting a handout from someone else who is making money off of us. Simple solution dont let them make money off you.



What I said was on point for the topic. You are arguing that it's worth the money for ALL AEP customers to pay for the clean up. My lights didn't even so much as flicker, yet I'm expected to pay a premium for the clean up???? Fuck you and AEP!!! I run my house with as little electricity as possible. I average less than $30 a month all year with the exception to when it get really hot I turn my central air on to cool the whole house better, and even then my bill is barely in the $40 range.


You said you're prepared to be without power for several weeks. If thats true, why did you need a generator? If you need a generator and don't have one then guess what...YOU'RE NOT PREPARED!!!!!

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