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Pics of your pets...Lets see 'em!


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  AndyJ said:
picture.php?albumid=1205&pictureid=13226&thumb=1 picture.php?albumid=1205&pictureid=13222&thumb=1 picture.php?albumid=1205&pictureid=13225&thumb=1

My stickdogs. Orion, the white with brown spots, came from a kill shelter soon before he was scheduled to be euthanized. He gets along with everyone and everything, from my kids' hamsters to deer in the backyard - just kind of wanders out to say hi to them thru the fence once in awhile.

No idea how old he is, but he's slowing down to the point where we almost need to walk them separately:(.

Lucy was a racer, only ran 8 races before the track discarded her, won and placed third in the last two (WTF??). I've only seen her at full speed once; pretty impressive (46mph on dad's radar gun).

VERY COOL!!! we've had two greyhounds as well. and we fostered over a dozen over the years prepping them to be adopted. One lost in the maiden race and was retired right away. the other ran over 170 races and was first about 50% of the time. But he was the laziest greyhound we ever saw. I love that breed for sure!!!

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  buildit said:
Dam, I thought you were being sarcastic. :eek:

Check out my profile all the cats in it are mine 1 siberain lynx is the only one left here.

  speedytriple said:
So what do you feed a lynx? Raw diet or


Vitamin and raw chicken breast daily

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  Kent2406 said:
I'm not sure but I think my brother has one of those. It has a leopard print on him with outrageously huge paws and can leap from the floor and almost touch the ceiling. It's a crazy cool cat.

He sound like a bob cat look at the tip of the tail stubby and looks like it was dip in black paint.

Edited by wht_scorpion
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  wht_scorpion said:
He sound like a bob cat look at the tip of the tail stubby and looks like it was dip in black paint.

Yeah, see now that you put a closer picture of it's face, it definitely doesn't look like that. I'm gonna have to ask him cause I can't remember. I just remember he paid like $800 for it and it's bigger than a normal cat.

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  • 5 months later...



once i get my own place im getting something bigger....i was going to get a bobcat or a lynx, but my girl wants a dachshund so i dont think that would work out lol...so i think a black throat monitor will be in order....once i buy a house with a spare bedroom i wont need (takes pretty much an entire room to house one)

like this one (ignore how this guy is holding it...looks like its trying to escape lol)...this one isnt full grown, but close...they get up to 7'


Edited by Steve Butters
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  BadTrainDriver said:

No way.

I refuse to have anything in my house that could kill me with it's tail.


No siree bob.

Not a chance.

i cant wait to pick one up...just have to have a place for a 12'x8'x8' enclosure for it haha...that species is pretty docile, the only one you really need to watch out for is a crocodile monitor, they will fuck you up...the other monitor breeds arent too bad if you respect the fact that theyre huge reptiles and dont like to cuddle with you

heres why you never want to own a croc monitor

possibly NSFW?





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Chance "aka Fatty" Passed away earlier this year due to lung cancer :cry:



My little sisters dog



My little brothers dog

I have had much more as my Step mom runs a kennel and we had 7 dogs at one time (3 Newfoundlands, 1 black lab, 1 Rot, 2 toy poodles) and I grew up with a Doby named Brandy who lived to be 13 years old was the best dog in the world could tell her to go get my little sister in the yard and she would find her and nudge her back to the house I miss that dog plan on getting a female doby once I have my own place

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