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Already at home in my boxers with Tequila watching SOA and Walking Dead DVR episodes and not working again till atleast Monday. I win, Bite Me

I had started cleaning our guns by the time you got home...i also dont go back till monday.

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This is going to be more like a random rant than than random thoughts. Where did people learn how to drive? First off....You have mirrors, use them at all time, so when you decide that you want to get in the next lane you already know if there is a car there and down have to turn half of your body to look causing you to turn your wheel in the opposite direction and almost run me off the road.

I have gotten into the habit of turning to look behind me since I started riding the bike, a habit that I've carried over to the cage. I don't know anybody that can be watching the mirrors all the time and still see where they're going. I do stay very aware of the other vehicles around me, I just don't constantly stare in the rearview mirrors.

Now for the last part which has nothing to do with the first part. What is the point of taking your entire family to the grocery store? Make a list and have either your husband or wife stay at home and watch the kids. or do what my mom did and go to the grocery store at night after she put us to bed. That way I dont have to listen to your kids screaming or you screaming at your kids. and also you wouldnt have to chase your kids around the store and be in my way.

K thanks.

How about YOU go to the store in the middle of the night when my kids are at home in bed? With a family of 6, we usually fill a cart, and part of a second one, so we all go so that I can push one of the carts. I also save us a few dollars on stuff when I compare price per quantity, etc... I also usually end up blowing that savings with crap that I throw in the cart. :D

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I have gotten into the habit of turning to look behind me since I started riding the bike, a habit that I've carried over to the cage. I don't know anybody that can be watching the mirrors all the time and still see where they're going. I do stay very aware of the other vehicles around me, I just don't constantly stare in the rearview mirrors.

How about YOU go to the store in the middle of the night when my kids are at home in bed? With a family of 6, we usually fill a cart, and part of a second one, so we all go so that I can push one of the carts. I also save us a few dollars on stuff when I compare price per quantity, etc... I also usually end up blowing that savings with crap that I throw in the cart. :D

You don't have to completely stare at the mirrors at all times to know where everyone is around you but you also shouldnt have to completely turn your entire body just to see if there is a car next to you. That can be very dangerous.

I do go to the store in the middle of the night most of the time. But my whole point is not to have the kids running all over the place. Do you're kids listen to you and stay near you? or are they all over the place running into other people?

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You don't have to completely stare at the mirrors at all times to know where everyone is around you but you also shouldnt have to completely turn your entire body just to see if there is a car next to you. That can be very dangerous.

I'll continue being "dangerous" and looking over my shoulder, especially on the bike. :roleyes:

I do go to the store in the middle of the night most of the time. But my whole point is not to have the kids running all over the place. Do you're kids listen to you and stay near you? or are they all over the place running into other people?

No, our kids stay with us, but I'm constantly having to keep the 3 year old under control. He's a wild one, and I won't tolerate him acting up!

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