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Why do you own the bike that you do?


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I have had sportbikes since 1986 and I have had pretty much every engine configuration out there....2cyl, 3cyl and 4's...straights and V's...2 strokes and 4s. As I get older and smarter I find that the twins are best for my riding style and that I prefer the over all feel and sound of a big twin over anything else. I have also learned in my 20+ years of owning sportbikes that I don't like to HAVE to perform tons of maintenance ala Ducati. I did want Ducati Superbike performance though just in a Japanese quality of a product. That only left me one option.....my RC.

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I have been on sport bikes since I was 22. From an FZR600, then a Gixxer 750 in '97, yet always having a soft spot in my heart for a v-twin. Still want a 996 someday, but when the RC51 came out, I was sold. Just had to wait for life to get me some places first. When I was all but done with my associates a few years ago, I decided it was a nice grad present (just a class or two early). Absolutely love it. Its loud, kinda chubby, can be mean or cool, and yet has a certain nichy sexiness. Just like me.

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I bought this bike bike brand new in 1990. It was the black/silver striped addition. Wish I never got rid of it:( Got into racing hare scrambles and needed a 4x4 truck to haul it...:nono: Finally found one after all these years! These things are getting harder to find!


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Thanks man! Everything still tight and handles great. Runs very strong still. Just keep maintaining it and should run a long time. Only 20k on motor. It came equipped with a slipper clutch witch is pretty cool for back in the day!


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well to be honest i blame my cousin (Hoblick) for this go fast obsession i got. it all started with an old 80's 125 honda dirt bike we used to ride as kids untill he blew it up racing it (dumb ass races everything he gets). then growing up he always had fast n20 injected mustangs and super sportbikes. Long and short is i had to have both so i had a couple stangs 68 and 02 then sold them to ride. And kawi green is what sells me! damn shes hot!hahaha

now my cousin has gotten soft and has like 3 different sets of saddle bags! :supergay:


bad part is i can be loaded with luggage and the wife an still smoke you though any twisty road in the state lol :D

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for me i have tried alot of different aspects of riding.

first draw was just the thrill of speed..

my first bike i owned was a 86 Honda VFR 750

a friend had it , it was the right price, and it looked pretty cool.

i dont think i enjoyed it as much as i should have... being around everyone else with newer sport bikes. so i sold her, and made double what i paid.

i later got a 96 CBR 900RR.. and then i was pretty much hooked. i started riding fat and trying wheelies (stupid)

after getting a pretty bad ticket i sold the bike..

not long after that i ended up with a 2001 Kawasaki ZX7R... this bike now that i looked back was awesome.... but at that time i wanted somethign that was a wheelie machine.. so sold it and bought a 2003 Honda CBR 954RR.. this bike was set up to stunt ride. all the cages, big sprocket, etc... i learned alot from that bike in throttle control and balance.. and also that stunt riding is a good way to get yourself in trouble and beat the shit out of your bike..

sold that bike because i was growing up and needed other things in life..

years pass and i eended wanting another bike... wanted a cruiser, but happened across a trade for a 2000 Honda superhawk... bike was ok, but jsut not my style. so sold it to buy another bike

so find a cruiser... 2001 Honda Shadow ACE Deluxe

the wife really enjoyed the bike.. me not so much ... underpowered, to small for 2 up riding i think... so again sold it

a year goes by.. i ended up finally buying a bike i truly wanted... 2004 yamaha R6... i always loved the styling of the bike and i never had a 600 before.

the bike was great.. but... i got more into touring, and this bike could do it with just me riding, but 2 up no way!

and at the same time i had traded my mustang for an 05 suzuki boulevard m50... good touring bike but again under powered.. so i had no intentions to keep it.

fast forward a bit and got a chance to trade my r6 for the 03 VFR and i did, and i couldnt be happier. it does everything i want it too.. it can hit the twisties, it can tour, and it is a great 2 up bike.. plenty of power for me.. looks great ,and a awesome powerplant.

when i do eventually upgrade to a zx14 concours i will still keep the VFR, it is a great one up touring bike as well, as its not as cumbersome as the 14, and a great daily commuter as well.

and the newest addition is the track bike, 01 CBR F4i... i jsut wanted a bike to take to track days... and i got a hell of a deal on it

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I've wanted a bike since I was 6yearsold and a friend of my Dad came over to our house just RIPPING down the road on a cbr600rr

(go ahead and do some math, me 6yearsold and a 600rr already out, yeah I'm a YOUNG one) So basically I KNEW I had to have a bike ASAP. I rode dirtbikes, and ATVs as a KID KID....

Oh and then lets skip a couple reasons on why I didn't go right out and buy a bike as soon as I moved outta my parents house and turned 18...

My first bike (which I still own, but is currently my project bike) was a '94 zx600r. I bought that bike because I sold my Jeep which had been my pride and joy since I started building it at age 13... and I went and bought this bike because quite simply, I had the cash and I found it forsale and I wanted to ride all summer and fall....it was a DUMB choice of a bike, but I am having an awesome time with it as a project bike.


Been working on that all winter....

And now the story comes to the chapter where I show a picture of my current love of my life... CBR900RR


I own that bike because gah damn it was a HELLUVA deal that I just COULD NOT pass up...I in fact put myself into a little debt because I HAD to buy it. NO REGRETS on that purchase....

There are so many fawkin aftermarket parts and so much done to it, gahhh it makes me so happy! Not to mention it only has 5k miles on it....

FAWK FAWK FAWK why must it be winter! I NEED to go riding!!!

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I've wanted a bike since I was 6yearsold and a friend of my Dad came over to our house just RIPPING down the road on a cbr600rr

(go ahead and do some math, me 6yearsold and a 600rr already out, yeah I'm a YOUNG one)

the first year for the 600RR was 2003, so you were 6 years old then.

it's 2010, which would make you 16 now.

But then you say:

lets skip a couple reasons on why I didn't go right out and buy a bike as soon as I moved outta my parents house and turned 18...

I'm confused about where the mistake is here... did you think the 600RR came out earlier than it did? did you mean 900RR?

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the first year for the 600RR was 2003, so you were 6 years old then.

it's 2010, which would make you 16 now.

But then you say:

I'm confused about where the mistake is here... did you think the 600RR came out earlier than it did? did you mean 900RR?

uhhhh, it's 2010. so 2010-2003 = 7

7 + 6 = 13 years old

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Pure practicality. I commute via I-70, so I was looking for something with comfortable ergonomics, good fuel consumption, good looks, and some balls. The FZ6 fits the bill. It'll do 150+ (so I've read), gets 45-50 MPG, and is beautifully understated. For me, it's my perfect bike. Now if I was going to add to the stable, but keep the FZ6, I'd likely end up with a cruiser, a GS, or even a track bike. For the reality of my situation though, the FZ fits the bill. I don't have delusions of Rossi nor do I have room for a bar and shield tattoo on my ass. She's staying warm in her blanket right now, so pics in a few weeks.

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Since I hadn't had a bike for a couple of years I was wanting something light to beat around town and maybe hit some backroads on and this Suzuki DRZ 400S fit the bill. I probably should've held out for a 650 but I got a good deal on this one so I bought it.

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When I was younger I toured on bicycle, 50-100 miles. After a while I missed touring, but I wasn't in the shape that I used to be. Got a scooter for commuting to work, and well I ended up taking it on some short slow (cycle-esque) tours. Needed something for more long distance touring, so I got an old Katana 600. The Katana was a very comfortable and touring-capable bike. Transitioned from leasurely touring to sport touring. After many tours on the kat I started to feel like I needed more power. Got the SV1000S, and it is the perfect sport tourer for me. The SV1000S has a way of making 100+mph feel relaxed. Fast forward a while, and then I test rode the Buell 1125R. I thought to myself that someday I'll trade in my SV. Fast forward a few months, I found my new 1125R for an insanely good price.

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