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Why do you do what you do?

El Karacho1647545492

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I realize this is an open question. Still, like some of (aka 2 maybe?) my past threads, I've found it amusing and interesting to see what people on this board reveal about themselves. So, what's your current motivation for doing what you do? And maybe say what you do.


As a fulltime student FINALLY just an angstrom away from financial independence from my parents, my main motivation is to not just occupy the path laid before me by my parents. They're loving people and do what's best for me always, but they never really gave me the tools to make my own decisions so I've always had a mental obsession with figuring things out on my own without assistance no matter the cost.



Anyways, thats cured my boredom for the morning./blog

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Because even though it drives me bat-shit crazy, I make enough to buy shiny toys from time to time, and *save* (strange concept, I know) for future shiny toys as well.


Never buy shiny toys on credit. By the time you're done paying off the interest, all the shine is gone ;)

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Striving to live a comfortable life is my driving force. I have come to the realization that I will never be rich and I know I dont want to be poor so I maintain. I always thought it was funny that most people I have ever worked with make as much $$ as me struggle. I was raised to pay cash for anything you can but a house. I have always paid cash for my vehicles even brand new ones. I try to keep myself prepared for the floor to fall out at any given time. I am not very stingy with my $$ but I watch what I buy. Keeping the wife at home with the kids the past 10 years has steered our way of life more than anything, although it has not hindered it in any great way. I still buy what I want when I want it, but I have to think more before doing so. I recently switched jobs giving up seniority, company car, expense account to start over basically working in a warehouse but its what keeps me comfortable.
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This will just sound goofy, but I want to change how people think. I've always hated how the education system works and the lack of common sense over knowledge. I'm majoring in sociology at Ohio State and picking up a yet-to-be determined second major at the end of the year. I'm pushing to become a professor someday and teach hands-on methods of learning, or more individual-based learning methods. I also plan to author political and social texts.



...if all else fails, I'll be a pornstar.

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cause it is what works right now till i figure out what a really want to do. yes i am 28 and dont know what i really want to do. eh it happens.


oh and this made me lol...

Because I pissed away better opportunities and happiness for one dumb broad.
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Because even though it drives me bat-shit crazy, I make enough to buy shiny toys from time to time, and *save* (strange concept, I know) for future shiny toys as well.


Never buy shiny toys on credit. By the time you're done paying off the interest, all the shine is gone ;)


I absolutly agree. It took me 22 years to figure this out but damn it feels good not to live paycheck to paycheck anymore. Keep in mind I am in NO WAY rich but just like 'wnaplay' i dont struggle even when i see guys making the same if not more than myself and they struggle.


/back to topic. I dont neccessarily like nor dislike what I do now. It pays well and benefits are great but it just seems unfullfilling. Like Im somehow not living up to my own expectation's. eh i'll figure it out.

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Well... I'm not really sure. But I don't need to know, to treat all living things with compassion. Now my dream, since I was 5, yes 5, is to have my own island since I don't have the ability to acquire my own small planet. :D


I guess I could get into it more, but it would just be too much to lay down here. This seems more like a 'sitting around with some close friends, doing a bit of drinking and/or smoking and some philosiphizing.

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I live through my kids. I can be a five or two year old playing and having fun with them and forget just about anything that bothers me in life.


I do most of what I do today for my family.


Sales Gigs are great. Best job ever IMO. I can travel, meet new people, architect solutions, negotiate pricing, play golf, drink, spend money, make great money, the list goes on. Besides, sales is the one job where I will never be without work.

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I do what I do because it is great to see people that have been to every specialist, been on multiple drugs and been told there is no help, get better. I love to educate. I hold weekly lectures in office, that is the most fun thing about what I do at work.


Beside what else can I do to work Monday through Friday. Never work weekends and still make a great living for my family. My job buys me time. Time to spend with my kids.

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I'm in school because everyone else tells me I need to be. I personally don't care about a degree as it would do nothing in the career I really want.


I work so that I can afford to do the things I really enjoy. I want to pay for my car and buy a car for my fiancee. I also want to be able to afford to get married and live comfortably.

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I do what I do because I exist.





You only exist because I want you to exist. My whole life is a drug induced coma. Somewhere I am laying in a hospital bed in a coma for years straight. Everything that happens is all one big dream to me.

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The only reason I like waking up in the morning is because I actually like my job and I have a great husband to wake up to. Thats my motivation :) oh and I workout everyday after work my motivation for that is to feel good about myself and stay in shape for my man :)
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Because: I enjoy what I do, though I'm anything but satiated with my current position. I yearn for explosive growth but know that time, patience, and learning will bring me there - a paradox if ever I've written one.


Today, being my birthday, brings a bit deeper thought into the subject as I usually take a few minutes to reflect on the past year and how I've grown. I'm 26 years old today; my top-three major accomplishments in the last year: Married to a wonderful woman, been promoted to Manager of our network engineering operations, paid off all of my unsecured debt. Looking upon those accomplishments are why I do what I do.


The next major accomplishment for me should be defining who I am, because as of yet I haven't solidified who I am and what I want to do - why I do what I do is easy. It's going to be an exciting question to answer...

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