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Recession - Are You Cutting Back?


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I noticed this evening (after the Misses got back from the grocery store) that a LOT of the items she bought are "store" or "off" brands. All of the items were things like Coffee Filters, Paper Towels, Paper Plates and other stuff like that. Well, except for pasta... I can't tell a damn difference :D


She said that MANY of the items were a sizable price reduction than the "name" brand that it was replacing. With coupons ($12), she calulated the savings to about $30 for one week's groceries. The total of the final bill was ~ $110.


Is anyone else changing their buying choices to help and make a dollar go further? Are we just getting starting what many do already? What else do you do to make a dollar go further?



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We've done lots of things.


1. Passed on expensive car this time

2. Dine out for lunch and dinner far less

3. Shop for groceries at Wall-Mart vs Kroger (big savings)

4. Continue to fund Wall-Mart by shopping at Sam's Club for specific items

5. Cut back from 2 to 1 family vacation per year. Stayed closer to home

6. Invest more Spend less. Market is on sale folks.


The list goes on. We actually track our money pretty well and we are down in spending by nearly as much as a small car over last year.


Times like this are times that everyone needs to cut back just in case. That's my opinion.

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yes and no...i got back $ from my 1st time homebuyer credit (bought house in march) and spent about $3000 or so of it turning 2 bedrooms into 1 master, new carpet, new furniture for bedroom...still have some projects i want to do...but i am doing what i can to save money...got a couple people on here to do some work for me on the side which saved me A LOT of money from hiring a company to come out and do work, etc.


but i have been trying to shop for more store brand stuff when we shop, aside from some things that have to be name brand (miracle whip, for example). when we eat out, we go to places that arent as expensive (red robin vs. damons, applebees vs champs)


i have also been trying to save money, which in 24 years i have not been able to do. ive been working 10-12 hours of overtime/week when work offers it. i finally opened a savings account and ive been transferring all but a few hundred bucks to my savings account after my bills are paid. i dont have much now, but its A LOT more than i can say ive ever had at one point.


ive also been trying to get ahead, and right now, ive got money set aside and in a seperate account for my car payment thru september, insurance is same, and i have my mortgage for next month set aside as of this past friday. it feels good to know im getting ahead and have some extra incase the SHTF

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I would say no. I am making more than I ever have (well, if you look at cost of living now vs. 2001-02, then maybe the same/less). I have spent more money this year that I ever have previously. Last year I think was my 2nd biggest spending year. Same goes for my wife.


We have cut back on some things (don't eat out nearly as much), but it has nothing to do with recession, but more to do with all of the other money we have spent this year.


Hell, we are flying to Mexico in less than 2 week for an all-inclusive resort. This recession has made some stuff very cheap. :D

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I have been living at a fraction of what I should be making due to being hurt and off work however we still havent cut back all that much. My wife did start shopping for 1/2 our groceries at aldi's. I remember as a kid that place was off brand city. But they are nice clean stores(e broad st.) and what she doesnt get there we shop walmart. There have been things I would have boughten but didnt but no real cut backs yet.
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-I go out to eat way too much unfortunately.

-I will be auto-x a couple times this month, so there goes $100 for fees and what not.

-I have been traveling way too much, spending money on gas.

+I buy a lot of Kroger-brand stuff at the store. Saves a lot of money and they usually double the coupons on some things.

+I have basic cable, slow Internet and I got on my mom's cell phone plan.

+I try to use less electricity and A/C and it's dropped my electricity bill a bit.

+I need new brake pads & rotors and can't save enough to get them. They'll last me another couple of months fortunately.

+Haven't bought clothes since April and hopefully some of my clothes will last until my job starts.


Yes, I am saving money, but I seem to blow what I save on doing fun things.

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ALDI's for nearly everything other than meat products.


But we started shopping there a long time ago, before this recession started.


Sorry I cant do it, the whole ALDI thing. Though I am fairly frugal when it comes to shopping for ANYTHING. If a product is literally .10cents cheaper I'll buy it over the alternative. But this is the way my dad was and for some reason Im kinda the same way. I havent purposfully held back on purchasing anything because of the economy. In fact Im working more and making more now than I ever did in the past. But I am saving alot more and not wasting my salary on stupid shit that I might have in the past.


Going from 2 cars back down to 1 saved ALOT more than I thought it would have. Now Im shopping the Jetta around to turn it in for an even cheaper car, most likely a truck really. Thats the next big purchase. I try and pack lunch at least 4days out of the week and never hit up the drive through after work, though it is tempting. I do this more for health than money though. Other than a new car/truck my new few big purchase's will be

1. flat screen

2. good quality bed

3. Some new furniture

4. eventually, a house

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