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Christian SportBike Association Ride #1 for 2010


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Finally getting around to checking in. I had to leave early with some health issues. I made is back ok, although I didn't actually make it back until 6:15 or so.

Thanks a lot for the ride, it was a lot of fun. I enjoyed meeting new faces, and seeing old ones again.

Our waitress just sucked. Why do I always get the bad waiter/waitress? Applebees, Catalifinos, and now that place too?

I'm glad to see that the Katana rider is ok, but seriously..have we not learned the Katana lesson by now?

To all those people saying They were holding up the group....I was last in virtually every stop, so you guys don't need to worry about it. I was so far behind, you guys probably forgot I was part of the group. I like my spot back there though, I get to watch everyone else, and I allow the rest of you to falsely feel superior!

I sure wish that the weather was warmer though, or that I had better gloves.

My final comment..is I totally have to agree with..................

P.S. To my lunch table, with the slow azz waitress... I did confuse the womens names we were talking about. You guys were right, I was confused, and wrong!

You were part of the ride? lol, j/k

I did like your paint job, don't see too many bikes done that way. I take it there were no scratches when someone pushed it over to test it?:p

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Finally getting around to checking in. I had to leave early with some health issues. I made is back ok, although I didn't actually make it back until 6:15 or so.

Thanks a lot for the ride, it was a lot of fun. I enjoyed meeting new faces, and seeing old ones again.

Our waitress just sucked. Why do I always get the bad waiter/waitress? Applebees, Catalifinos, and now that place too?

I'm glad to see that the Katana rider is ok, but seriously..have we not learned the Katana lesson by now?

To all those people saying They were holding up the group....I was last in virtually every stop, so you guys don't need to worry about it. I was so far behind, you guys probably forgot I was part of the group. I like my spot back there though, I get to watch everyone else, and I allow the rest of you to falsely feel superior!

I sure wish that the weather was warmer though, or that I had better gloves.

My final comment..is I totally have to agree with..................

It was good meeting you, and all the others that I only know as a screenname from here! I seriously only remember seeing you at the start, and when we stopped for Rick614 going offroading. That's when I left though, and I didn't get to enjoy lunch with the group. I hope all works out with my schedule next time.

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I was way in the back lol. I was riding behind Becka. It was her first time ever riding any type of twisty roads I guess. She had a close call when coming up to Ricks accident due to too much rear brake, but other then that she did very well. Just at a slower, safer, pace that her dad set for her. We probably never hit more then 70.

I dunno, I enjoy riding with the less experienced riders, and make sure they are OK, and enjoy themselves. To me, it seems that as long as they know they aren't Last, and/or, aren't by themselves in a group ride, they will enjoy it more, and ride at their own, safe pace, whatever it may be.

I've had my extreme speed days, and I've had my twisty days. Now, as long as the group waits at the stops, so we/I don't end up getting lost, I am more then happy to ride with the slowest rider (you all did a great job at waiting at turns btw) I enjoy just being out and being Able to ride. It's a blessing, and a privilege just to be able to be out on two wheels, and one that I will never take for granted again. I enjoy seeing the different sites, and meeting the people that are involved.

Speed, route, destination, doesn't matter, it's the people that I meet along the way that I will remember.

I'm looking forward to May's ride already!

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I was way in the back lol. I was riding behind Becka. It was her first time ever riding any type of twisty roads I guess. She had a close call when coming up to Ricks accident due to too much rear brake, but other then that she did very well. Just at a slower, safer, pace that her dad set for her. We probably never hit more then 70.

I dunno, I enjoy riding with the less experienced riders, and make sure they are OK, and enjoy themselves. To me, it seems that as long as they know they aren't Last, and/or, aren't by themselves in a group ride, they will enjoy it more, and ride at their own, safe pace, whatever it may be.

I've had my extreme speed days, and I've had my twisty days. Now, as long as the group waits at the stops, so we/I don't end up getting lost, I am more then happy to ride with the slowest rider (you all did a great job at waiting at turns btw) I enjoy just being out and being Able to ride. It's a blessing, and a privilege just to be able to be out on two wheels, and one that I will never take for granted again. I enjoy seeing the different sites, and meeting the people that are involved.

Speed, route, destination, doesn't matter, it's the people that I meet along the way that I will remember.

I'm looking forward to May's ride already!

Well said man! This group was AWESOME to ride with! The stopping at EVERY turn, the response to rick's crash and helping him get it moving to get it out of the field, and pretty much everything about the group was awesome. The weather could have been a bit warmer and a little less wind, for sure! I'm ready to go again, on the next CSBA ride!

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I had a salad too. I didnt want to be too full for riding after.

At least your salad looked normal. That soup...yeah...that's another disgusting story though. I don't even think a starving, 3rd world person would have ate that.

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Mike and I opted for the already cooked food of the "can't screw it up tomato soup" and the "already made turkey/cheese samich!!" All was very good and we tipped the waitress "in advance".........thus we got great service and hot food real fast.

Sometimes that works!!! :banana:

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picture.php?pictureid=10612&albumid=969&dl=1271619356&thumb=1picture.php?pictureid=10611&albumid=969&dl=1271619356&thumb=1picture.php?pictureid=10610&albumid=969&dl=1271619356&thumb=1picture.php?pictureid=10609&albumid=969&dl=1271619356&thumb=1picture.php?pictureid=10608&albumid=969&dl=1271619356&thumb=1picture.php?pictureid=10607&albumid=969&dl=1271619278&thumb=1well here they are the pics of the busted kat 11 all n all not to bad clutch lever few busted fairings and go over to all flush mount lites which i had planned on doing anyway. todd thanx for the help and not sure what member was with you but thanx and yes i did leave a thank you card in the door with my info so if i could ever return a favor and the group was great hard lesson learned but the kat will ride again .thanx for all the csba support and or support you guyz rock .
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Thanks for the meet and greet-nice ride, 'cept for the off. Stood there with Dave (BMW) and he commented about the parts in the ditch by us and wondered how they flew so far? I told him...wrong color, someone else did that.

Mike (C14) and I went back home on the rest of the unused route. Peeled off at USR62 instead of going to Millersburg. I see everyone made it home okie dokie...WE got the girl that they had called in for a waitress, she did fine. We just waited until she got into work before we could order. I was done eating and noticed some folks were only just getting their viddles.

Kawi -okay, I folded up the walker and made it to the outing. Where are you hiding these days? Trackday(s), Saturday, April 24, 25 with KTM days 26th and 27th. So mark it in yer planner. The Garver and Will will be there Saturday. Will has the former Garver R6 together. Monday I'll be there with the C14 rider (Mike).

Back to CSB ride, nice day, even with the weather and enjoyed. Some asked and I said, "Brought the little bike so I'd behave!" Good group and excellent turnout - nice job pack leaders. Liked the mid-group checks too. I ended up at back just to pretend I was a sweep.

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OMG I can't believe I'm saying this but this was all hashed out in this http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=56677&highlight=katana thread yesterday. There is no reason to go over it again here. Everyone seems to have enjoyed themselves for the most part and no good can come from shitting up this thread. You guys do want these rides to happen again right? If this becomes a drama the folks organizing it may not feel it’s worth the effort. I love to jack threads just as much as the next guy but this thread was about riding and having a good time and I would hate to see it ruined. See me in the other thread and I will try to change the subject as much as possible or flame away.

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I wasnt trying to dirty up this thread or even refering to this incident specifically. I mean in general. I always miss the incidents and it would be nice to get some on tape to be able to find out what went wrong.

Plus its a good excuss to use on the wife because I really want a Gopro.

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