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What would you do without Ohio Riders?

DTM Brian

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Sport-touring.net and triumphrat.net. Neither can hold a candle to ORDN. Both of those sites bow to the sponsorship gods and are moderated to death. ST.n just took down all NWSF and other edgy posts because a sponsor(s) got offended by their content. I applaud our sponsors for allowing Ben to run this board the way he see's fit and for supporting such an open forum.

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I'd have to interact with actual people again, pay attention while on conference calls (even the ones I'm hosting), play with my kids, read books, exercise, and ride motorcycles. Please don't shut it down.

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I would not have anything to do several times a day at work, and I would hate my life. I mean without OR I can 100% say I would never have gone to a track day, I never would have met some great friends. And most of all I would probably live in a cardboard box.

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I'd finally have a chance to relax, you know how hard it is trying to be an admin here and keep you guys entertained by arguing with myself on this account?

Vstrom 4 lyfe!

Ben, if this is true I'm gonna kick you in the dick the next time I see you.

Sport-touring.net and triumphrat.net. Neither can hold a candle to ORDN. Both of those sites bow to the sponsorship gods and are moderated to death. ST.n just took down all NWSF and other edgy posts because a sponsor(s) got offended by their content. I applaud our sponsors for allowing Ben to run this board the way he see's fit and for supporting such an open forum.

BTW, I will be pulling my sponsorship unless Red Baron is hired as our full time pron seeker. What's that? He already is? OK, nevermind.

I guess I'd spend more time with my family and junk.

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