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So you are admitting that this was attention whoring? Also, if you don't care what they have to say, why did you not keep them on the ignore list?

I admit the list was a sham, I had no intentions of keeping it for more than a day. As far as attention whoring goes, well that is up to the community to decide. If they want to acknowledge this then that's on them, I cannot force people to respond to me.

I just wanted to see the results, call it an experiment if you will. It kind of proves my fanboy theory that I have mentioned a few times, and those that said they will not read what I write are full of it :lol:

Me personally, if a thread doesn't peak my interest I won't even bother opening it :dunno:

Well, the way you put it, I guess everyone here cares what I have to say :dunno: good or bad, doesn't matter to me. I don't care about the neg things people have to say, I'm usually pretty positive here and don't knock people down.

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i have plenty of free time at work and somehow I'm able to not make everyone hate me and come off as the least intelligent entertainer since Corky

Doesn't matter really, as I have said before, if something doesn't peak my interest I'll do what it takes to entertain myself.

Sure I may come off as an idiot, whatever, my friends think I'm an idiot too, so that doesn't bother me. The internet can't be serious all the time, gotta have some fun and lighten up a little.

I suppose it could be worse, I don't spam or post in the wrong sections or dog other people or anything like that. I just make good use of the sections provided for entertainment purpose(like off topic) Now sometimes I do get carried away in other sections, but not too carried away. As long as I obey the rules of the forum I don't see anything wrong with having a little fun :D

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On a serious note, just cool your heals a bit Exarch. Most here don't hold grudges but maybe listen to some of their advice. Think about what you post before you do and doing some research before you post something as fact would go a long way. My half a cent...

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On a serious note, just cool your heals a bit Exarch. Most here don't hold grudges but maybe listen to some of their advice. Think about what you post before you do and doing some research before you post something as fact would go a long way. My half a cent...

The biggest panty buncher I said was about a gun law that changed 5 months previous to me stating it :dunno:

A simple, oh they changed that a few months ago instead of jumping down my throat would of sufficed...

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[quote name=Exarch;853470

Me personally' date=' if a thread doesn't peak my interest I won't even bother opening it :dunno:

Well, the way you put it, I guess everyone here cares what I have to say :dunno: good or bad, doesn't matter to me. I don't care about the neg things people have to say, I'm usually pretty positive here and don't knock people down.

The first part, I call Bull$hit. You chime in on everything!:nono::nono::nono::nono:

The second part? I will have to admit, for the most part, you don't resort to calling names...for the most part. :) BUT, I am sick and tired of opening posts and trying to get real updates and instead seeing 470-hundred posts telling you how stupid and uninformed you are. If you do not have information or do not have experience on the subject, shut up and let people who know chime in.:bitchfight::bitchfight::bitchfight:

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The first part, I call Bull$hit. You chime in on everything!:nono::nono::nono::nono:

The second part? I will have to admit, for the most part, you don't resort to calling names...for the most part. :) BUT, I am sick and tired of opening posts and trying to get real updates and instead seeing 470-hundred posts telling you how stupid and uninformed you are. If you do not have information or do not have experience on the subject, shut up and let people who know chime in.:bitchfight::bitchfight::bitchfight:

Not rly, I only post in 1-3 different threads per day ;)

It's wonderful to know that 99% of the time they say it is on an opinion based matter, I never knew opinions could be wrong :dunno:

If I'm wrong correct me on a fact(like magley told me I had I and P backward, it happens) or that a law changed 5 months ago... No need to start having a hissy over it and start raging...

I see alot of people here who misspell something or fuck up a fact every single day I'm on here, it's pretty common here.

I think people who down other people all the time are pieces of shit that have nothing else better to say. Oh look at me, I'm so cool for picking on someone else, what is this HS? Noooo, don't be nice to him, he isn't in the popular crowd, he doesn't wear Abercrombie, his shoes arnt Nike...

I'd rather have 0 friends here then be in the "cool crowd" that downs everybody all the time, infact you may have seen me stick up for the other people they have downed in the past. No need to be a negative Nancy all the time, there are different ways to go about things.

I found it ironic when the same people here that down everyone for shits n giggles got all pissy when I said screw my boss. Oh he is your boss you have to respect him blah, blah, blah... No, you should treat people how you want to be treated, and of someone treats you like shit they do not deserve respect.

I guess that means alot of people here want to be treated like shit :dunno:

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Not rly, I only post in 1-3 different threads per day ;)

It's wonderful to know that 99% of the time they say it is on an opinion based matter, I never knew opinions could be wrong :dunno:

If I'm wrong correct me on a fact(like magley told me I had I and P backward, it happens) or that a law changed 5 months ago... No need to start having a hissy over it and start raging...

I see alot of people here who misspell something or fuck up a fact every single day I'm on here, it's pretty common here.

I think people who down other people all the time are pieces of shit that have nothing else better to say. Oh look at me, I'm so cool for picking on someone else, what is this HS? Noooo, don't be nice to him, he isn't in the popular crowd, he doesn't wear Abercrombie, his shoes arnt Nike...

I'd rather have 0 friends here then be in the "cool crowd" that downs everybody all the time, infact you may have seen me stick up for the other people they have downed in the past. No need to be a negative Nancy all the time, there are different ways to go about things.

I found it ironic when the same people here that down everyone for shits n giggles got all pissy when I said screw my boss. Oh he is your boss you have to respect him blah, blah, blah... No, you should treat people how you want to be treated, and of someone treats you like shit they do not deserve respect.

I guess that means alot of people here want to be treated like shit :dunno:

you're making this out to be more than it really is...

you just say tard-tastic shit sometimes. that's it. the fun happens when you try to defend your tard-gasms with one part "I hear this on the internet once" half-knowledge and one part "I was a blahblahblah engineer once". opinions are wrong when they're based on tard-knowledge.

also, don't act like u not mad bro. u mad. u so mad. to illustrate, i'll invite a Gatsby (my dog) look-a-like to demonstrate how you contend u not mad, but in fact, u so mad.


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On a serious note, just cool your heals a bit Exarch. Most here don't hold grudges but maybe listen to some of their advice. Think about what you post before you do and doing some research before you post something as fact would go a long way. My half a cent...


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I'm feeling bamboozled! I'm really going to need a definition for tard-tastic please
I'm still trying to figure out what a grapesmuggler smuggles when he ain't smuggling grapes??:eek:
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