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If you could live anywhere...


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Wyoming somewhere




I've actually looked at buying land there a few times, but it;s just such a pain in the ass to get there and back.


This is so crazy my dad tried to do the same thing when he retired from the marine core, He wanted a log cabin out on a peice of land in wyoming. I spent many months there fishing in wyoming I loved it.

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Lived there when I was 18 and have missed it ever since. I make a trip there almost every year. The whole attitude of "why do today what you can do tomorrow" is great. I would love to raise my kids were shoes are optional and tans are required. I remember going to makapu beach every night after work and boogie boarding, good times. The night life is great. Rainbow plate lunch still makes my mouth water.



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Probably around Mystic/Niantic CT.


* Feels like home

* Sea Air

* Cool Weather


* Quiet, reserved place to relax and enjoy life





I was stationed in Groton CT and we went to Mystic every now and then. I liked being told to "go back to the base you worthless squids". Or people asking us if there wasn't someplace we should be that wasn't bothering them. I guess Mystic residents don't like sailors.


That all has probably changed post 9/11.

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St John's Newfoundland. This place is full of history. I think it is the oldest English settlement in north America. It is a decent size and right by the ocean. The views are fucking amazing. The people in the city are nice and will walk right up and talk to you. Out of all the places I have visited I got the best vibe here. Olney England was 2nd. Also the climate is perfect for me. It is cloudy most of the time fuck being sunny. The summers are mild and the winters are not extreme like some parts of Canada. It snows and rains a lot there which I love. The crime rate is almost nothing according to wikipeida. Doesn't surprise me since the people here are super friendly.


Just look at this


Howard, this is where Janet is from. She grew up there, and I've been there twice now.


Beautiful area, but is very expensive. Everything costs more, yet you won't have the money making potential you would have here in Columbus even, at least anything IT related. Housing is crazy...a lot of people who own homes rent a basement apartment. Being a landlord is very lucrative there, unlike here.


I fully disagree with the weather. I went there at the end of July 2007 for about 2 weeks, and had two days where the HIGH was in the mid 40's. That's a LOT cold for the height of the summer. Overall, it is much cooler than here. A lot more snow too, but people there actually know how to drive in it.


Decent night life there too. Drinking is very accepted. It's a nice place to visit, though I don't know if I'd ever want to live there.


As for in the US...dunno, I've only lived in Ohio. I love FL and wouldn't mind moving there. Janet loves the idea of North Carolina, as she keeps telling me "I have never met someone who didn't love living there."

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Since I left Ohio, I've moved around quite a bit.





Western Oklahoma

West Texas (abilene)

And now, Anchorage



If I had to move somewhere completely off the wall, I'd go to Singapore. I spent like 45 days there for work a couple years ago. It is nuts. Almost zero crime, English is the primary language, schools are great for the kiddos, Finally, the place turns into a gigantic party at night.

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-Park City, Utah. Loved skiing out there and the town is just perfect. Plus it's somewhat close to Salt Lake too.

-Atlanta. Can't stand the humidity, but it such an entertaining town. so much to do, and so many hot chicks.

-South Spain. Was there almost 10 years ago and it was amazing. The Med. was so blue.

-Fiji. Has nothing to do with my screen name, but I've seen pictures. It's so remote and picturesque that it's perfect.

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Scopello, Sicily. I've been blessed with the ability to travel at/near most of the places everyone else mentioned, but the combo of awesome, awesome blue sea, history going back to B.C...excellent mountain roads...phenominal food and wine...great people...Sicily's got it.
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Based on places Ive spent a lot of time in I would pick San Diego, Cali as my first choice. It just has everything I could ever want in a city. I like to call it heaven when I speak of it.


My second choice would be Austin, Texas. As much as I hate the state of Texas, Austin is where it is at. It also has everything I need in a big city but it lands second to SD because SD is the shiznit and its on the West Coast...

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Guest tbutera2112
Chandler Arizona... its a change of scenery and I would be able to keep my job.


sooo hot...my aunt lives right by there in ahwatukee and i go out in the summers...


would be sweet to live there though... brutally hot for 3 months of the year, then the rest of the year is 70s..perfect


and no snow

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I was going to say San Diego as well, but there is a lot of bullshit that comes along with living in Cali.


such as? only downfall when i lived there was housing was expensive as hell an registering your car( our expedition was 500 a year :doh: ) but most everythign else was fine.

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fuck Cali, fuck Chicago, fuck NY. I would want to be near a moderate to large city but nowhere near any of those places. Ohio is fine, but I could move farther southwest where I would get more summer. Oh yeah and fuck living in some other country.
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such as? only downfall when i lived there was housing was expensive as hell an registering your car( our expedition was 500 a year :doh: ) but most everythign else was fine.


insane taxes, along with overall cost of living, and shitty laws


and with that state being as bad with money as they are right now, it's only going to get worse

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such as? only downfall when i lived there was housing was expensive as hell an registering your car( our expedition was 500 a year :doh: ) but most everythign else was fine.


registrering cars sucks in cali, and the emissions laws suck, cops will pull you over for having a car to low, or aftermarket this or that. I remember our apt out there in carlsbad california was 2100 a month for a decent apt. Gas is expensive , propaine is expensive, insurance is expensive, To live in a half decent place and live you need to aleast make a good amount of cash.

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