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What's your house temp?


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I keep it at 73. Simply cause we have the infant crawling around and with it on 69ish, her little hands are feet get cold. Wife seems to think 73 is too high and too hot. I am comfortable, so are they, but because she gets hot fast...it's too high. We did 68 or so when it was just us...I was good.


Where you all keep it?

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I think the temps here with everyone vary so much because of air circulation and how well the homes are insulated. I remember back when we lived in an apartment with crummy windows we had to crank the heat to stay warm due to all the drafts.


I consider our home very well insulated as there are times like today where the temp has stayed at 71 and the furnace hasn't kicked on at all.


We keep ours at 70 and it's plenty good. Once in a while I'll kick it to 71 but any higher and it's hot. At night we drop it to 68 via the programable thermo and when we leave to 67.


The other thing that we've done that really helps keep the home cozy is our tile floors in the lower leve laundry area and on the main floor-kitchen / pantry on the main floor are heated tiles. I hated walking on the old tile floor where it was always cold. If we ever add a Florida style room, I'll make it a four-season room and heat the floor too.


In the summer we keep the AC on 76. Again, any lower and it gets cold.

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70 during the day and 65 at night. You can get a programable thermostat at home depot starting at $20 or so. I think I spent $30 or so on ours to get one that you can have different programing on each day to have a during the week and weekend setting. They are very simple to hook up. This one is more difficult to program than connect. Which is probably what you get for the more expensive ones (bigger display and easier to program because you get more info on screen and sometimes a touch screen).


Jesus I would burn up at the temps some of you guys keep your places at. Having said that and to address what pdqgp said, it also really depends on how your thermostat reads too. Our old one was a mercury switch style one. It read about 2 degrees higher than this one, just based on keeping the same comfort level and the temps of our new one compared to our old one. Our place is not well insulated due to shitty windows, but our temps are not high.


A/C temps were around 72 and 74 or 75 at night with the new thermostat, but that was only for a few weeks after we got it. It was probably a little low and I will reprogram it a degree or two higher when warm weather returns.

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Our house is well insulated, so about 68 when we are up, 63 or so when we are sleeping or away.


WTF is with keeping it @ 72-73. My house is roasting at that temp (true measured temp; both with an old and new thermostat + stand alone temp display).


Our condo you had to crank to 75, but I don't think the digital thermostat read correctly, because the inside temp display didn't show nearly that warm. Perhaps some of your homes really aren't that warm, but the thermostat just isn't reading the correct temp.

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Our house is well insulated, so about 68 when we are up, 63 or so when we are sleeping or away.


WTF is with keeping it @ 72-73. My house is roasting at that temp (true measured temp; both with an old and new thermostat + stand alone temp display).


Our condo you had to crank to 75, but I don't think the digital thermostat read correctly, because the inside temp display didn't show nearly that warm. Perhaps some of your homes really aren't that warm, but the thermostat just isn't reading the correct temp.



Different folks, different strokes???





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76 on the thermostat. Walk 10 feet away and it's 71. About 69-70 in the basement. Non insulated walls FTL. It's warmer downstairs in the basement than the upstairs now that I finished it.


In the summer when it's 80-90 I keep it at 74.

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summer = 72-74 degrees. for the last couple months its been at 69 all day long. 70 if im feeling chilly at night. i cant sleep in cold because i usually only have shorts and a tshirt on.


the gas bill we just got which would have covered like the first week of november to first week of december (i think) was $50.xx ...thats for a 1400 sq/ft 3 level split. i also shrink wrapped 1/2 the windows so far, and still need to do the ones upstairs.

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Guest tbutera2112
in the winter we set it at 60 to save money...use the fire place in the main room and blankets in the bedrooms....in my bedroom in the basement, i have no heat because i blocked the vents off...i like it cold
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Stays between 70-74, I tend to bump it up and down a few times a day. Not really sure why it never seems to stay consitant. Yesterday I was in shorts and warm at 70, and a few days ago I had to turn it up again because it really felt cold. I could just be nuts but my wife always agrees on the adjustment. :confused:
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