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Dream Ride 2012: Feeler


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If these AM temps don't pick up, I might be trailering to CBUS Friday night :lol:


as we approach closer to the date, if the morning temps seem too low we can push the meet time further by 1-2 hours to make it easier for us far extreme guys to set out easy

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as we approach closer to the date, if the morning temps seem too low we can push the meet time further by 1-2 hours to make it easier for us far extreme guys to set out easy

I might have to bail if it gets pushed later. I have to make it back north for my wife's 35th high school reunion Saturday evening.

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Whats too cold? I ride pretty much year round.

i tested my tolerance last year, max temp of 45 was my limit as i found out. Beyond that even with layering hands became blue. :( but setting of at below 40 and if the day warms up to above 55 i can ride all day no probs

Lets all hope for the best. :D

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Just bought a(nother) gopro Hero2 in anticipation. Front/rear views will be covered. Amazon seller has one going for 250+8 shipping for the motorsports edition.

niceee, am really considering getting one more just for the day

Layer up if its cold.

true, i ride with at least 4 layers, since i am not used to this much cold :lol:

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i can do sunday
Im with Rob on riding sunday LOL!

hehe last year i remember you two guys were the strong proponents of sunday ride :D but this year just came up with this date since nothing major was going on this day and kept the sunday as a rain check back up date. sorry guys :( But i will ride sunday too for sure

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i tested my tolerance last year, max temp of 45 was my limit as i found out. Beyond that even with layering hands became blue. :( but setting of at below 40 and if the day warms up to above 55 i can ride all day no probs

Lets all hope for the best. :D

heated gear does wonders :D

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Heated gear is for sissies!! :lol:

So far my lowest temp is 25 I believe. That's just layering no heated stuff for me :D

Though I am looking at maybe getting a heated visor so I can see on the really cold days

ATTABOY Brown, I sometimes ride with some BMW owners them fools love cold wet weather. Proper gear is what its all about.

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